Hyperlinking functions for online versions
These pages provide information on the hyperlinking functions for the online versions of Le Petit Robert, Le Grand Robert, Le Robert Illustré, Le Robert Junior, Le Robert Collège and Le Grand Robert & Collins. These functions are designed to streamline the process of consulting the dictionary from an external location.
- If you already have access to the online version of a Le Robert dictionary, we will explain how the hyperlinking functions can enhance your user experience.
- If you do not yet have access to Le Robert dictionaries, you can still test the hyperlinking functions in our demo versions.
These functions allow you to look up any word in the dictionary that you come across on a web page, website, or app. There are different ways to perform these searches quickly without directly accessing your dictionary. You can type the word into the built-in search box on the page or use your browser's search module by selectingb> or clicking on the word and utilizing the integrated URLs.
These pages are intended for end users of our dictionaries and will help them integrate new look-up tools to make dictionary consultation easier. They are also aimed at web developers who want to incorporate online resources into their portals to enhance the user experience.